Maja Sajnkar, born in 1984 in Celje, Slovenia, a contemporary painter currently residing in Koštabona.

As a dedicated watercolourist, my work delves into the depths of inner experiences and emotional states. Initially focused on drawing, my artistic journey has evolved towards a more painterly approach, resulting in an exploration of the unpredictable nature of watercolour. Rather than adhering to figurative motifs, I emphasize the interplay of colours and their interactions. While primarily working with watercolours, I also enjoy integrating charcoal, pencils, ink, oil, and dry pastels into my pieces. For mural projects, I utilize acrylics, adapting my medium and technique as needed. Regardless of the materials I choose, I consistently build my artworks through layering, thoughtfully considering both negative and positive spaces and the dialogue that exists between them.

Painting has always been a compulsion for me. A way of processing, a way of surviving. I pursued my studies in Art Pedagogy and earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from Arthouse College in Ljubljana, Slovenia. My narratives draw heavily from my personal interests and experiences, often weaving in elements of mythology, ancient knowledge, geometry, and psychology. I typically work on series of paintings that aim to convey relatable stories, messages, and thoughts.

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